
Friday, March 23, 2012

Final version of a character???

Ok, so one of my little personal projects over spring break was to work out the final look of the main character of my senior thesis piece, Amphora. Here is a look at the history of the main character, Amphora, leading up to the "final" version of her that I just completed. Very exciting...

And... ta da!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Some Freelance Stuff

These are some drawings I did for an iPad drawing app created by WahSoft, LLC. I had to use the app, Sketch Test (check it out), to make the images. It was fun and it looks like I'm going to work on another project for them....

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Finna' Animate

This is a background painting for my special effects animation in Animation 2. It is also a scene for my senior thesis, Amphora, and could potentially be my first completed artwork for the final piece! Well, I guess I'm not totally sure about that, but I liked how it turned out and wanted to share...

Friday, March 9, 2012

Something a little more classical

These were two figure drawings I did for submission to a contest at CCAD. The first, the coal miner, is entitled "Machine" (roughly 30" x 40") and was done with many layers of ink wash, the second, entitled "What Are You Looking At?" (roughly 18" x 22"), was done with ink wash and calligraphy pen.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lots of Amphora Stuff

Amphora is the name of my senior thesis to-be. Here is a ruff animatic along with the accompanying set of storyboards. Exciting to me! Already re-working things, but I wanted to post an overall update of the project.

And the boards...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Pocahontas Tree!!

Again, I am copying Disney backgrounds for a class of mine. This one is a sycamore tree from Pocahontas.