
Saturday, December 8, 2012

New Billy Goats Gruff Paintings

I included an updated version of the bridge scene with Jethro and Goonch. The second image is a "personality" shot of the brothers Gruff showing Clement yelling at Jethro and the third is the moment of conflict as Dogo rams into Goonch. A seriously big thanks to Rico Jackson for some post-process color help on all these!!!


  1. These turned out fantastic! I'd say move the hue of the first one over to the right a little bit to that it is a little less purple, and desaturated the blue in the sky of the second one a little bit, because it is begging for attention. Also, just to help ensure that there is no theft of your art, lower the image size and or resolution so that people cant steal them!

  2. Hey Chris,
    Just wanted to let you know that I'm really enjoying seeing work from this projet! I'm in love with those goats! <3 Hope to see more in the future! :) Are these for your thesis?
